Monday, 11 August 2014

resistance education

Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition

On the surface, the macro themes of Theory and Resistance in Education are neither new nor startling. Giroux wants schools to participate in the recreation of a new society; he perceives schools as viable and potent vehicles for dramatic social change. However, the analytical process he applies to arrive at those macro themes consists of relatively new and unexplored methodology within U.S. educational circles, since it represents a potentially dynamic application of the Frankfurt School of “critical sociology.” It is a methodology that values political action and utilizes “critique” (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation). It is from that methodology that Giroux builds his pedagogy and his curriculum: “A Pedagogy for the Opposition.” Described by Hansen as “an effort to come to grips with the nature of individual consciousness and its relation to social order and change,” critical sociology “emphasizes that human choice is not between simple alternatives, that seemingly contradictory things can... 


improving higher education


Improving Higher Education: Total Quality Care.
Barnett, Ronald
This book presents two dominant and rival conceptions of quality in higher education. One is based on the expression of the tacit conceptions of value and propriety in the academic community. It is the character and quality of the continuing interactions of higher education's members that are at issue rather than any endpoint or definitive outcome. In the alternative conception, higher education is seen as the issuing of products, with inputs and outputs. In this view, the quality of the system is understood in terms of its "performance" as captured in performance indicators, and effectiveness is assessed in terms of its efficiency. This book clarifies the nature and substance of higher education and quality. It discusses issues concerning quality of higher education, such as performance indicators, fitness for purpose, value added, peer review, total quality management, and academic audit. It then addresses improving the quality of the educational process and grapples with the "student experience," skills in the curriculum, transferable skills, competence, critical thinking, and the idea of the "reflective practitioner." Principles are offered as guidelines for the continuing improvement of the quality of higher education. An appendix presents a schema for an institutional quality audit. (Contains a bibliography of approximately 245 references.) (JDD)

Open University Press, 1900 Frost Rd., Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007 ($29).
Publication Type: Books; Opinion Papers
Education Level: N/A
Audience: Practitioners
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: Society for Research into Higher Education, Ltd., London (England).
Identifiers: N/A

education reality

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american higher education




The roots of controversy surrounding higher education in the US extend deep into the past. This original, incisive history goes far in offering a needed sense of perspective on current debates over such issues as access, costs, academic quality, social equity, and curricula. Eminently readable and always lively, this timely historical account is sure to be an invaluable resource for assessing the present condition and future prospects of American colleges and universities. This book is written in four parts. Part I, "Historical Origins and Antecedents", contains: (1) Higher Learning in Antiquity; (2) From Cathedral Church Schools to Universities; and (3) Post-Medieval Academe: Evolution and Estrangement. Part II, "American Higher Education: The Formative Period", contains: (4) The American Colonial and Antebellum College; and (5) The Evolving American University. Part III, "American Higher Education: Maturation and Development", contains: (6) American Academe in the Early Twentieth Century; and (7) Postwar Higher Learning in America. Part IV, "Contemporary Challenges and Issues", contains: (8) Another Season of Discontent: The Critics; and (9) Epilogue: In Historical Retrospect. This book also includes: Acknowledgements; Introduction; Notes; Sources and References; and Index.

opportunity of health

The topics of particular importance in contemporary sociology are inequality of educational opportunity (IEO) and mechanisms of social mobility (or immobility). IEO refers to the differences in level of educational attainment according to social background. Social mobility means the differences in social achievement according to social background. When taken in this restricted sense, social immobility can also be called inequality of social opportunity (ISO). This book describes an attempt to synthesize the main findings accumulated by empirical research on these two closely related points. The synthesis takes the form of a simulation model. In the first part of the model a theory is developed leading to some specific conclusions on a number of questions related to IEO. In the second part of the model, the change over time in IEO and in other factors, such as overall average increase in level of educational attainment, is related to ISO. This leads to an examination of the effects on social mobility of the tremendous increase in rates of school attendance that has occurred in most societies since 1945. In varying the model, wide use is made of the impressive set of data collected by The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (Author/JM)